Sunday, June 29, 2008

Chocolate Brownies

Nah..udah beberapa lama beli buku '200 Cakes and Bakes' by Sara Lewis tapi belum juga dicoba. Emang dasar 'si ratu malas', yah..begini ini. Hiks.. Sampe tiba waktunya, kebetulan juga ingat buat beli coklat buat dimasak kue. Oh ya, sebenarnya nama asli kuenya adalah 'Rum and Raisin Chocolate Brownies' tapi berhubung anak2 sukanya kue polosan, jadi raisin-nya ga dimasuki dan juga rum. Lupa beli soalnya. Hehe... Oh ya, ini brownies moist banget. Tadinya pengen buat karena kangen dengan brokus 'Amanda' ternyata brownies ini malah lebih enak, loh... Benaran...cobain, deh.


3 sdm white or dark rum ~ ga pake, niy..
100 gr raisins ~ ga pake juga
250 gr plain dark chocolate, broken into pieces ~ ternyata satu bungkusnya cuma 200 gr aja, yah..jadi cuma make segitu.
250 gr butter
200 gr caster sugar
75 gr self-raising flour
1 sdt baking powder

Cara membuat:

Warm the rum, add the raisins and leave to soak for 2 hours or overnight

Heat the dark chocolate and butter gently in a saucepan until both have melted. Meanwhile, whisk the eggs and sugar together in a bowl, using an electric whisk, until very thick and the whisk leaves a trail when lifted above the mixture.

Fold the warm chocolate and butter into the whisked eggs and sugar. Sift the flour and baking powder over the top then fold in. Pour the mixture into an 18 x 28 cm roasting tin lined with nonstick baking paper, and ease into the corners. Spoon the rum-soaked raisins over the top.

Bake in a preheated oven, 180 Celcius for 25 - 30 minutes until well risen, the top is crusty and cracked and the centre still slightly soft. Leave to cool and harden in the tin.
Oh ya, tambahan aja kalo gulanya boleh dikurangi. Soalnya meskipun gue cuma make dark coklat yang 200 gr dan gula 200 gr juga sesuai resep, tapi rasanya buat gue kemanisan.

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